Friday, April 17, 2015

Success at Jerry's Art-A-Rama Middle School Art Exhibit and First Annual Ojeda MS Fine Arts Showcase!

It was another exciting week here in and out of our Gator Art Studio. Over 30 students have work on display at Jerry's Art A Rama for their annual Middle School Art Competition. Congratulations to Daniela Segovia one of my 8th graders who won 3nd place award for best Sculpture and a gift certificate to Jerry's.

Thanks also to all our students and fine arts teachers who made our first annual Ojeda MS Fine Arts Showcase a success!

Debanhi Gonzalez has been hard at work for past several weeks on her self-portrait for the upcoming Junior Visual Art Scholastic Event.

Friday, April 10, 2015

First Place Region 20 and Region 13 Winner Anti Bullying Poster!

This is Marisela and she is AWESOME and I am a better person for knowing her. Her "Bully Free Zone" poster submission to Texas Association for Pupil Transportation was selected 1st place for Division III at our local meeting with Region 20 & 13 yesterday. Marisela's poster will now go to state competition in Dallas Texas.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Jerry's Art-A-Rama Middle School Art Show and Competition

You are cordially invited to join us at Jerry's Art-A-Rama  in Austin this Sunday from 3-5 for the opening reception of their Annual Middle School Art Show and Competition. Over 20 works by my students will be on display through May 31st. More photos to come!

Monday, April 6, 2015

100% Exhibit and Fundraiser at the George Washington Carver Museum and Cultural Center

I am delighted to announce that one of my artworks and four artworks by my students are currently on display at the George Washington Carver Museum and Cultural Center as part of their annual 100% Exhibit and Fundraiser. Many other works by other talented youth and adult artists on are on display as well. Exhibit runs through May 2nd.

My Students' Civil Rights Leaders portraits are also still on display for viewing during regular Museum hours.