Saturday, May 23, 2020

Register online now for my Intro to Printmaking online summer camp!

Register online now for my Intro to Printmaking online summer camp! 

DEADLINE MAY 31, 2020. in order to provide enough time to gather needed printmaking supplies.
Come discover the wonderful world of printmaking! Online Summer Camps now available.
Sign your child or teen up now to learn a variety of printmaking methods such as mono prints, relief prints, etching, as well as combining printing with other media and stuff around your house to make unique pieces of art! 

Class sizes are limited to help provide more individual instruction. 

Camp #1: Ages 8 to 12
**9 am to 12 pm
**Younger students might need some parent assistance in beginning to get set up. ( collaboration welcome!)

Camp #2: Ages 13 to 18+
**2 pm to 5 pm
**A more advanced Intro to Printmaking where students will use carving tools and safely learn how to use them.

Tuition for each camp:
$165 and $25 supply fee/each camp
Sliding scale available upon request.

IG + FB @msgraysartroom

Questions? Comments?
Please Contact:
Jennie Tudor Gray
Mobile 512-569-3269